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  • ... meanings about what Otto and Mops do, the poem functions as combinations of sounds, and can be read in many different ways. This...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... in virtual water. The active experience of the recipient becomes part of the artwork, unveiling the concept of Mixed Reality. The...
  • ... It was a political, ideological, and physical separation of communist East Berlin from democratic West Berlin. In this tense time,...
  • ... (collective) Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang StraussComment:
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    I Love Yr GIF is a project based on the culture of the first wave of net art, produced entirely with animated gifs taken from personal collections such as of Jimpunk, Marisa Olson and Superbad. Inspired by the iPad zooming features, here the low
  • Cinema Lascado (Chipped Movie) is an going video project by Giselle Beiguelman. It portrays devasted urban landscapes, where elevated expressways produced social fractures in the cultural territory of the cities in which they were built. Till now it
  • URnotHere - video
    URnotHere is a machine to create cities that confronts the hyperlocative discourse of social media interfaces. It challenges us to create a new geography of nomadic territories on transitory maps. Moreover, the project aims to discuss the landscape
  • ... sculptors. A projector and mirror system is used to display computer-generated three-dimensional data on a horizontal tabletop....
  • ... multiple layers of sound and vision. Perspectives that do not completely match, invite to explore the installation. The observer...
  • ... learning examples for children, and the digital sparks student competitions capture the evolving media art landscape over the years....