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  • Lecture at Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Part1Artist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • ... netomat engages a different internet -- one that is alive and unpredictable. In response...
  • Lecture at Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Part02Artist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • I made this video back in 2005 for the S3 Project (Sights and Sounds of Science), organized by the Materials Research Center of the University of Chicago. I combined some video shot inside the old building of the James Frank Institute, with
  • Crave - video
    ... the play, these images smoothly changed one into the other, following the musical rhythm...
  • Biopsia - video
    This piece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop of colored water falls from the ceiling at regular intervals. An animation of a clockwork mechanism, revolving around the color stains, is projected onto the disc. It was part of
  • ... piece of textile were electronic components to play and record sounds were embedded...
  • ... runners, too: the smallest runner is the one closest to you and the biggest, the furthest...
  • Playing Alphabet is an interactive installation composed of two computer keyboards. All alphabet letters are used to be heard in the same time, all of them are pronounced by male and female artificial voices. The two users can keep quiet or listen
  • ... and global communication, a key component of the machinery that assembles our...