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  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • NSA-USA takes as it point of departure the recent citizen spying scandal emanating from the activities of the National Security Agency. Both American and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there is disagreement as to the whether
  • Data Murmur - video
    The notable Italian political philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi recites a random poem of HTML code twice. First on the left of the split screen the camera maintains its distance allowing the bard to enact the poem, his shock of silver hair melting
  • Such is the very essence of this work, which utilizes these various strategies, layered upon each other to create a metaphor about grief and loss. For the stereo speakers can be about brothers, lovers, twins and the destruction of one's mate when it
  • Global Telepathic BroadcastArtist: Warren NeidichComment:
  • In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories of objects and scenarios of participants and a set of presented real objects from which the visitor may choose from to create works of art in
  • metaView is a web viewer that displays information contained within the HTML tags which is typically not displayed in regular web browsers. metaView was first shown at the New Media Centre at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK in 1998.
  • Bad Reception displays an ever changing stream of news related imagery which juxtaposition causes a fluctuating degree of interference. It was originally created for the Terror show at in 2004.
  • This was an improvisation performance with digital projections and live video, with script written by Esteban Ulrich. The software Moldeo was used to generate the real-time visuals, and I contributed with some of the programming. It took place at
  • Jackpot is an Internet slot machine that downloads three randomly selected web sites and displays them in the browser's window along with their top level domain names. You win by matching any of the top level domains. The winner can submit a URL of