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  • metaView is a web viewer that displays information contained within the HTML tags which is typically not displayed in regular web browsers. metaView was first shown at the New Media Centre at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, UK in 1998.
  • Bad Reception displays an ever changing stream of news related imagery which juxtaposition causes a fluctuating degree of interference. It was originally created for the Terror show at in 2004.
  • ... by the actor himself. The output from these cameras was combined with pre-recorded video and real time effects, which were...
  • ... a URL of choice. Jackpot was first exhibited at in 1996.
  • ... Turnstile II was first exhibited at (currently stadium@dia) in 1998.
  • ScanLink can be described as walking the web backwards. The underlying topology of connectedness, such as popularity and power distribution, is shown through a reverse traversal of links for any given web page. Using ScanLink the user can select a
  • Snow Globe was the official email announcement for the Whitney Museum's BitStreams and Data Dynamics show, which ran from March 22 through June 10, 2001. It was a microsite in form of an animated snow globe containing information about the show and
  • Streaming Conscience was created to celebrate Amnesty International’s 40th anniversary. The project enabled the entire content of the Amnesty International website to be presented in a vivid, animated and ever changing stream of information which
  • Latent State - video
    ... using a number of resources for real-time AV performance and a combination of digital and physical (or "analog") elements. The main...
  • The Re: Dakar Arts Festival project documents an ongoing art scam form. The scammers approach artists and galerists with open calls for a fake festival in Dakar, Senegal. To appear professional, they adopt different identities. To unveil their