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  • ... or providing a list of links to Microsoft...
  • Latent State - video
    ... at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a...
  • ... approach artists and galerists with open... to correspond under an invented identity as...
  • ... Institute, with renderings of a “piano-molecule”...
  • ... participating artists. The viewers could...
  • Streaming Conscience was created to celebrate Amnesty International’s 40th anniversary. The project enabled the entire content of the Amnesty International website to be presented in a vivid, animated and ever changing stream of information which
  • Crave - video
    ... Directed by Cristian Drut. Crave was the... were painterly renderings reminiscent of coastal...
  • Biopsia - video
    ...ece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop...
  • ... to sit next the artist and to knit together with... and alienation, gender roles and stereotypes,...
  • "The Way" is a 3-D computer animation combined with live video. Depicted are three runners followed by a camera down a foggy street in a small German village. To visualize "The Way", I've inverted the common system of the central perspective.