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  • ... and the material characteristics of objects, the creation and development of which is...
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... Calf the body is no longer a corporeal object but instead the immaterial subject of a...
  • Tür - video
    ... and behind the camera, simultaneously the object and the subject of representation." - Ruth...
  • Grass - video
    ... Csuri's research, including Real-time art objects. These interactive art objects allowed the...
  • ... encode all the information about an object but are also independent of an observer....
  • ... with its vacated chair, as an object outside his virtual point of view. The...
  • ... Hummingbird, Csuri expanded his notion of object transformation to include the morphing of...
  • ... about the table as a communicative object in her book Vita Activa, and what insights...
  • ... environmental 'behavior in relation to objects' as a grammar of gesture that could be...
  • ANTopolis - video
    ... humans, vehicles and any moving or still object in the city. All these artefacts become...