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  • ... made up of choreography and media, play on the theme of the relationship to time,...
  • ... made up of choreography and media, play on the theme of the relationship to time,...
  • ... a set of images that relate to language play in the text. The sections Key/Code,...
  • ... over 14,000 frames, which exploded the bird, scattered it about, and reconstructed it....
  • ... Reminder of the social roles that we play through our functions or our mode of life, in...
  • ... Reminder of the social roles that we play through our functions or our mode of life, in...
  • ... metaphorically is that of a musical instrument: a set of rules with associated... to respond to users' varying approaches, playing styles, and temperaments in a...
  • Neuro Mirror - video
    ... name a few. Moreover, mirror neurons also play a big role in our own intuition: they can...
  • ... or other objects. You may want to play music as a soundtrack to this graphic...
  • ... soundtrack by choosing from 144 different musical sections - layering up to seven at a time,...