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  • ...VIRTUAL BALANCE: LOOKING WITH THE FEET 1994 Understanding interactivity in cyberspace as a seamless... an example of the fact that it is media art that provides the blueprints for industrial...
  • ... in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary modality of interactivity is... is chosen for all of its associative values in an imaginary space where Archimboldo and... Winner of the PRIZMA-Prize for Computer Art, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung 1993
  • ... installation is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote... installed. It introduces the form of an artwork where viewers who are physically separated...
  • ...Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and... and references from the history of art, science, theater, literature, cinema and...
  • Dragon - video
    ... where people simply carried it through the streets.
  • ... a cinematic expansion of pictorial means, the process of making thousands of drawings...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ...xpanded cinema performance was specially created for the Experimental Film Festival in Knokke-le-Zoute.... threw off their clothes) became part of the cinematic spectacle. In this way the...
  • ... space by making projected images of the events appear contiguous with the real space... these images showed exactly that part of the museum room hidden by the screen,...
  • ... entire stage as well as out into the auditorium. It was constituted by six large...
  • ... of brick-printed plastic that covered the shop window. This tubing was then taken into...