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  • ... prints and installation which included the visitant into the piece. Visitants...
  • Éphémère - video
    ... iconographic repertoire is extended to include body organs, blood vessels and bones,...
  • ... distributed throughout the city. I also included my Interflow Architectures text. A...
  • ... Ruhr Exhibition in Dortmund Germany, incorporates the recorded dance and choreography...
  • ... A Facebook user is supposed to have increasing numbers of friends, but the website...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... enter in the void of the landscape and incite illusions of the senses by the...
  • ... artists. In extensive research I identify incongruous or overlooked details of everyday life...
  • GENMA - video
    ... of natural sciences; these have become increasingly skilled in dissecting all parts of...
  • ... both distance (as in a “stop” gesture) and inclusion (as in the expression “show of hands”). ...
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... skin. While the viewer himself is not included in this digitised reflection of the...