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  • Royal Road - video
    In 1993 a new videodisc-based version of Going to the Heart of the Centre of The Garden of Delights (1986) was made. No longer related to a particular architectural context, the viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video
  • A computer-programmed lighting installation articulated the neo-classical features of the Felix Meritis building. Transparent acoustic panels allowed the public to listen to music emanating from the walls of the building.
  • In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to
  • A video monitor on the floor faces upwards and over its screen there is a transparent container filled with water. At the center of this container is an opening through which a bubble of air can be electronically released causing the water to ripple
  • ... El Greco and Piero Manzoni. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... data space. As art historian Alexander Dorner puts it: "Every... an infinite variety of unimaginable forms, inviting us to...
  • Tür - video
    ...Interactive computer video installation University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT)... University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT) Behind the...
  • Legible City - video
    The Legible City was first presented in 1988 as wire-frame graphics that were interactively operated by a joystick. This constituted a prototype for later implementations of this work using a bicycle as the viewer interface and more advanced
  • ... at the same time possessing unique characteristics. The first room...
  • ... move, each visitor creates a unique montage of the contrasting...