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  • ... The result of this disintegration are abstract moving images, which run across the...
  • ... continuously changing three dimensional abstract and organic growing forms. © 2005,...
  • ... then could explore the damp and totally dark cave. When shining some light onto the cave...
  • ...An image is repeatedly sliced, reduced to an abstraction which then re-assembles itself into a...
  • ... a woven fabric of relationships which is abstract and multi-layered yet still underpinned...
  • ... sounds and ambient sonic textures with abstract animations created in real-time using...
  • ... that enables visitors to compose an abstract musical animation piece. Using a...
  • ... portrait is reconstructed with a dark skin tone, underscoring racial ambiguity. A...
  • Dark Matter - video
    ...Dark Matter: The darkened gallery space is dominated by an invisible sculpture of silent sound. Your...
  • ... Pixel can represent levels of white to dark depending on its inclination angle. One of...