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  • Lynn Hershman Leeson turned the lens back on Lincoln Schatz by bringing in various cameras to photograph the portrait process during her session.
  • ... living bodies. If the person remains alone, nothing happens, there is no reaction. They...
  • Akousmaflore is an interactive installation, a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact. Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by producing a specific sound. The plant «language» or song occurs through
  • "The quotations no longer refer to the correct authors. On the mock website, quotations are continually reordered randomly with different authors, spreading online misquotations as a form of liberation from the fixation on authorship. This explores
  • ... system using counterfeit virtual money. By issuing a visionary and illicit type of...
  • ... and Christopher immediately following one of the performances. You’ll hear...
  • ... and masses of people. Finance is just one of these fascinating complex structures that...
  • This fiction informs the audience about rising sea levels due to global warming and how urban populations will cope with it. This experimental form of tactical transmedia fiction was told by actors and narrative devices staged over the Internet and
  • ... same co-ordinate system the position of one point of a rotating and moving circle, the...
  • "Focus" is an image composed of and comprising 98 different layers. Each individual element of the picture is given a layer, and each digital layer documents a detail from Waliczky's reality. The viewer can explore the individual elements of this