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  • Place-Hampi - video
    ... in 1995, and which for the first time is now using...
  • ... by an actor using the tone of a live football game...
  • ... It was commissioned by the Open Ears Festival with a... “Surface Tension” is a collaborative interdisciplinary work for...
  • ...Repsat uses the latest 3D printing technology and it´s conversion... pendrives thar are available and thar are included on the...
  • ... of digital information where the artist “bury” several files...
  • ... media work that offers the means to capture and...
  • ... a sort of membrane for the display of interactive... sunlight is not available. Sunlight is also used for...
  • ... paintings dealing with the economy of attention and...
  • ... Borders” is based on the dichotomy between a...
  • ... commissioned by the 11th Annual Architecture...