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  • GALLIA - video
    GALLIA (1987-88) is Stenger's first 3D movie, and already displays many of the distinctive features of her future productions: color, rhythm, recurrent sequences and vibrant soundtrack.
  • A cautionary tale in Machinima style, Nicole Stenger's last movie, is a light & dark fantasy about the theme of Cyberwar. (Based on a true story). 5 minutes.
  • POPUREVE - video
    POPUREVE, a fast-paced 3D animation about the 1789 Revolution, reshuffling several recurring themes about freedom, equality and the guillotine, is Stenger's second digital movie and fantasy work about French History, after GALLIA (1987-88) The movie
  • ... to make it simple and accessible to anybody connected to the Net. New Tunnels, New Digging Tunnels Around the World doesn't... the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal, and fifteen years after the Paris New Delhi Tunnel,...
  • ... tactical and legal issues, which can be explored through the artist’s statement and theoretical considerations. ...
  • ... Face ‐ to ‐ Facebook, smiling in the eternal party Social networking is naturally addictive. It's about exploring something very... Google Will Eat Itself and Amazon Noir. Cirio’s and Ludovico’s artistic activism explores the contested space of ownership rights to...
  • Media bubble doesn’t blow up without a consumer, the installation doesn’t work without the visitor. To make the media field buzzing, to create scandals and little stars, one has to move oneself. You have to type in c**.com or order newyorktimes, you
  • Interview with Roy Ascott. Meta.Morf 2010: New.Brave.World! Trondheim, Norway November 2010
  • Short video from a ZDF documentary about Ars Electronica 1994 showing the project "The Intelligent Mailman" from Michael Bielicky.
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... Interface stands for. The entire content of an archive, here, is visible at a glance. Parallel streams of images... of the Media Flow installation is reminiscent of Aby Warburg's art historical concept of a thinking space - his Mnemosyne Picture...