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  • ... image of... this way,... this way,... this way,... shortness... and events... the viewer... this way,...
  • ... create a... looking... This allows... This allows... own... This allows... with our... and the... are used... on the... This allows...
  • Crave - video
    ... M, create an... images... This fact,... This fact,... This fact,... with the... and... Moldeo.... rticipated in the design... This fact,...
  • ... image as... chairs and... his way... his way... his way... with... and... are... himself on... the... his way... invisible...
  • ... everything... This is an... This is an... media... This is an... of short... Lieser ... Biggs ... and... are turned... ine... Lieser ... Portrait on the Fly –... This is an...
  • Architext - video
    ... image - it... this... this... this... with... and... are... on the stage... this...
  • Dark Matter - video
    ... very... his hand... his hand... his hand... body... with its... and plays... are... Dark Matter: The... his hand... invisible...
  • ... owner of... with a... and... are... the real,...
  • Intro Act - video
    ... creates... his arm,... his arm,... his arm,... body in... with human... and in is... himself,... the 95... his arm,...
  • ... owner of... with a... and... are... ON THE...