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  • ...Part 5: On the relation between new media artist, industry and open source
  • ... expression to the action of connecting oneself to an emergent network of relations. The interactive installation is configured as a... environment situated permanently at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and four others designed to travel to various...
  • Cosmogonie - video
    Documentaire HD sur la Réalité Virtuelle.
  • ... An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive...
  • ... An intimate discussion with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive...
  • ... where the subtle dissolution and reconfiguration of verbal particles is charged with a feeling that is at once calm and tense.
  • Telescanfax - video
    ... was to "Elasticfax" event organized by Eduardo Kac at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, the 13th August 1991.
  • ... “Self Portrait as Another Person” features a wax cast of the artist's face that was made in 1966. Characteristic of similar pieces...
  • data.anatomy - video [civic] is a audiovisual installation by the Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda, arising from a unique collaboration with Mitsuru Kariya,...
  • Long Wave - video
    ... that was commissioned by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen Lambert Galleria,...