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  • ... his or her left. Video courtesy of the artist and bitforms gallery nyc.
  • ... turn it on and off. Video courtesy of the artist and bitforms gallery nyc.
  • Epiphanies - video
    ... as one of the very first pieces of “Google Art”, probably the first… In 2001, Google wasn’t...
  • A memorial - and a warning - for the Jasmine Revolutions of the 2011 Arab Spring. A soft rain of jasmine flowers promises freedom - but the viewer is trapped in a golden cage.
  • ... --thus, every drawing is different. The artwork is the device itself not the drawings it...
  • ... "Solar Equation" is a large-scale public art installation that consists of a faithful...
  • ... realtime by Tamiko Thiel as the third partner in an improvisatory dance. The dancers...
  • ... created by pioneering Chinese video artist Zhang Peili and showcased here by Saamlung,...
  • ...s interactive installation generates traces of two participants' eye tracking. The participants...
  • ... self-creation is an inspiration for all art that depends on participation to exist. Video...