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  • ...Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation... floor shows a distorted pan shot capturing a mountain panorama. The...
  • ...Mixed reality installation 'COMBATscience Augmented' reimagines the 2008...
  • ... and the closed-circuit installation are based on variations of...
  • Facades - video
    ... is also an experience of instability. A virtual urban scene is...
  • ...Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In...
  • ... empathy. An interactive webcam installed in the miniature museum...
  • Ovid - video
    ...Video installation Series 'Bags' A text from the sixth book of Metamorphoses runs...
  • ... and steel spirals, and thus installed as a punching ball in the...
  • ...Interactive computer video installation Three doors of the environment 'Tür für...
  • ...A light installation for the Night of Museums Berlin inspired by the concept of...