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  • Geomart-ut1 - video
    Geomart-ut1Artist: Selcuk ArtutComment:
  • Global Telepathic BroadcastArtist: Warren NeidichComment:
  • Glories of Accounting is an interactive installation with a surveillance system that detects the position of the public in the exhibition room. When someone walks into the room, large hands appear on the screen automatically. The hands rotate along
  • The installation was made specifically for the neo-Gothic Vleeshal in Middelburg and consisted of a computer graphics video projection onto a large screen at the far end of the room opposite the entrance. Infra-red sensors and seven pairs of blue
  • Golden Calf - video
    This work is constituted by a white pedestal on which there stands an LCD colour monitor connected to computing machinery by a cable running through the pedestal. The viewer of this work picks up and holds this monitor in his hands. The screen shows
  • Golden Gate Fly-over is a moviemap of the San Francisco Bay Area from the air made the Exploratorium. We used a special gyro-stabilized helicopter camera and satellite navigation to film along a precise ten by ten mile grid centered on Golden Gate
  • GPS Film is the first locative media narrative system to merge mobile and GPS technologies. A way to watch cinema based on the viewer’s location and movement, the original source code was released as an open source application. Now recognized as
  • Grass - video
    The original programming language "GRASS" (GRAphics Symbiosis System) was developed by Thomas DeFanti for his Ph.D. dissertation at The Ohio State University in 1974. For further information, see Wayne Carlson, Historical Significance In 1969, the
  • As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because of the gravity rules), is the work of Seiko Mikami, “gravicells - gravity and resistance” (2004),
  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar