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  • ... ‘suggested duplication on any media’. In 1997 the first Neural website was established, and it was updated daily from September 2000. In...
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    ... and white delirium. Browse the desktop version. Access the webapp from your iPad or iPhone.
  • ... and archived through the Mobile Unit (2001). The portable webcast studio with user-friendly streaming software allowed the MARS...
  • ... enabled the entire content of the Amnesty International website to be presented in a vivid, animated and ever changing stream...
  • ... trajectory through several world cities culminating in a web-site archive including 55 three-minute video clips (selected from...
  • ... multiply persons. The project was built at the old personal website
  • Mercury - video
    ... Both worlds are interconnected via interfaces such as a webcam and a 3D printed porcelain button. In their work, the artists...
  • ... into English, Italian, Korean and Greek. IM official website: Wikipedia profile:...
  • ... self-certainty and approach a sense of empathy. An interactive webcam installed in the miniature museum offered remote viewers an...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... By superposition, the scenes of the remote aquarium sent by webcam are mixed to the virtual modeled scenes and, through the use of...