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  • ... actor using the tone of a live football game report, a family altercation or a political...
  • eavesdrop - video
    ... the actual and the virtual, a portal from what is to what might be. Eavesdrop is a... a kind of jigsaw story-puzzle. Part game, part real-time film-making, part spectator...
  • ... parks. It is also not a computer game: it does not have any goal to reach. (For...
  • ... in the past. As in a 3D computer game, users can wander along the Wall – not in the...
  • ... started with the work "Children's Game", then "Animation Number Seven", and in the...
  • ... "deine" (2006) a narrative game for mobile phones, "Virtual Book: Digital...
  • ... of a "good memory." One knows what one has retained, but one does not know what... tourists of death. If art is a serious game, then so is war. War is a game in which the...
  • ... question. After all, it’s all just a game.
  • ... in an interactive Sprachspiel (language game), a term coined by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his...
  • ... on the web, to meet the Other, belongs to what scientist call the phatic function of... Tunnel sound work. An online art-game After this experimental event, Tunnels Around...