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  • ... the bodily image on the left, clearly referring the identity and meaning of “Eve Clone”. The acrylic plate is applied as a media. The...
  • ... them personal hieroglyphics. 210 graphemes that don´t carry meaning by themselves. One grapheme is not an "A" or a "B" but anything...
  • ...As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because...
  • ... Because each of these modules is poly-valent in terms of their meaning, the work is always emergent. One can also use automated...
  • Crave - video
    ... rhythm of the dialogue, yet avoiding to directly echo its meaning. The continuity of the images was broken at times by the use...
  • ... the original Legible City, this database now takes on a new meaning. The texts are no longer the sole focus of the user's...
  • ... it to be concurrent with the ambient lighting in the museum, meaning a coherent collage of the projected images with the...
  • ... presented in the Key Code Section. This was a way to nest meaning where things could both be a word with meanin,g and then a...
  • ... encourages a kind of inner dialogue and reflection on the meaning of the terms. They make their own associations by spotting a...
  • ... physical movements of visitors, offering multiple layers of meaning. Any audience not participating takes advantage at the...