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  • ... fruit, and the inner surface shows a geographical map of the world.... also the result of the other user's actions at the remote...
  • ... space becomes a surface for showing film clips. The content of... resemble a theater set. The user interface, a three dimensional...
  • ... by eleven cylinders showing landscape photographs taken by a...
  • ... the Distributed Legible City shows the same urban textual landscape... no longer the sole focus of the user's experience, but instead ...
  • SeeBanff! - video
    ... Turning the crank allows the user to browse back and forth, to "move...
  • ... yet both are controlled by the user in a local space and also through...
  • ... and presented by the system. However Riding the Net is obviously... entertaining fashion. While two users talk and communicate with each...
  • ... browsers. In "The Living Web" users can immerse themselves physically...
  • ... first system that allowed WWW users to remotely view and alter the...
  • ... texture as a coding of the user interaction. The interaction is...