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  • ... / Bains numériques #5 - Festival international des arts numériques (Fr) - Award...
  • ... the real plants. Christa Sommerer is an internationally renowned media artist working in...
  • ... Mercado Performing Arts Low Lives 3 International Festival of Live Networked...
  • ... was produced by Master in Digital Art, School of Fine Arts, Athens. First performance was...
  • ... artists are outsiders or insiders, known internationally or only within a small circle,...
  • ... CA, during and after Zero1 biennial, school of Creative Media, City University of Hong...
  • ... and cultural programmes. Publications and international exhibitions include the MACRO Museum... partnerships with the Athens Fine Art School and the Paros ANNEX, the Municipality of...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... virtual fishes move as if they were in a school of fishes and the world gains a behavior...
  • ... electronic cultural publishers, an international network of magazines, whose slogan...
  • ... 16, 2004; FILE 2004, ELECTRONIC LANGUAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL, São Paulo, Brasil, 2004;...