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  • ... one another; and a networked architecture that puts PlaceWorld online for universal access. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... event is not mentioned in the ZKM Video Art Prize 1995 online catalog. The remarkable statement by Heinrich Klotz, the...
  • ... that was streamed on August 26, 2020 as part of the 6-hour online Chapters Gathering event produced by ACM SIGGRAPH Los Angeles,...
  • ... So an intimate involvement and (endless) questioning of our online identity (often literally jux taposing with our physical one)...
  • ... life.” The computer acted as mediator in that I used the online environment to archive and broadcast tri-lingual videotaped...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... the SIGGRAPH '93 catalog, Liquid Views is a metaphor for our online existence, illustrating our role as navigators in the digital...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... This a?rmation of media-savvy sur?ng in the data pool of an online database is inscribed in a long history of concepts for...
  • ... distinguishes different sections by colour and is documented online. Newspaper writers report most often on business (purple),...
  • ... civic to the financial. Utilizing huge swathes of real-time online data news, this work reconfigures the notion of worldwide data...
  • ... and among them the Paris New Delhi Tunnel sound work. An online art-game After this experimental event, Tunnels Around the...