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  • ... occur on the gene level, then the central mind, the informational context that drives this... contexts. Anyone who attempts merely to map this diversity is presented with a massive and...
  • ... as and virtual footprint of the diggers mind There is no pre-existing space. There is no...
  • ... from the ZKM location - an identical mapped image of a backdrop, carpet, table, chair,...
  • ... structure was articulated in the spatial mapping of these sound tracks to four positions on...
  • ... of images that had been architectonically mapped into the installation space. This...
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... of the room that are 'reflection-mapped' onto the calf's skin. While the...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... current spatial positions are mapped to the sound space, rendering their...
  • ... video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of...
  • ... Woodfibres of this wood sheet (mapple veneer) are sublimated through a virtual and...
  • ... objects' current spatial positions are mapped to the sound space, rendering their...