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  • VERBARIUM - video
    ... At the VERBARIUM’s web site, on-line user can choose to write text messages and each...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... capture their users various body data and links them to the creation and evolution of...
  • ... Golden Nica Award Prix Ars Electronica Linz, Austria, Sept 1991
  • ... a live telematic video installation linking two sites first exhibited at the legendary...
  • ... in two locations via a teleconferencing link, in much the same as my previous installation...
  • ... site-specific telematic installation linking the shower room of the Ewald/Schlaegel und...
  • ... object that is divided along a curved line into two parts. The two operators using their...
  • ... mostly spoken texts - were interactively linked to the image via the same joystick that...
  • ... pressing a button on the column handle. Linked to each site is an approximately...
  • ... new work titled The Telepresent Onlookers linked the movement of the interior video...