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  • OSMOSE - video
    ...An immersive interactive virtual-realty environment installation with 3D computer graphics and interactive 3D sound, a head-mounted display and real-time motion tracking based on breathing and balance. Osmose is a space for exploring the perceptual interplay between...
  • ... Virtual Balance.The result was such an intense sensory experience that the visitors were fully immersed in their emergent interactive behavior, even without the use of VR glasses. Navigation with this body-centric interface is like looking with your feet....
  • ...In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary modality of interactivity is chosen as the functional context for a strategy of communication (person/machine/person),...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... became part of the cinematic spectacle. In this way the immersive space of cinematic fiction included the literal and interactive immersion of the viewers who modulating the changing shapes of the pneumatic architecture which in turn modulated the...
  • ...The Neon Wave Sculpture is an urban light sculpture that is interactively controlled by varying wind speeds. Mounted on the exterior wall of an apartment building, it is constituted by 48 sine-curved neon tubes. The light level in each tube can be electronically...
  • ... specially made joysticks. Embodying techniques developed for flight simulation, this work gave the operator the ability to interactively move his virtual point of view 360 degrees around the stage, 90 degrees up and down from ground level to aerial view,...
  • ... of blue lights along the floor defined a path from the entrance area to the screen. The visitor walking towards the screen interactively controlled a sequence of transformations in the image and sound. The sequence of digitally processed images was derived...
  • ... the museum space - this image is overlaid on his view of the real environment. By pushing the handles, the spectator can interactively control the rotation of the column and the movement of this virtual image. Sound and image are interactively accessed...
  • Heavens Gate as a video installation was first shown in the neoclassical stairwell of Felix Meritis. In other exhibition spaces the work usually occupies a specially constructed completely dark room. The video image is projected over the whole
  • ...In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to its own amplifier...