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  • ... appeared, looking a bit like isopods. At one point these woodlice assembled and faint faces...
  • "Semioptics for Spinoza", 2012 Shadow Object 3 computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor, lens projection: 68.9 x 48" / 175 x 122 cm wall mount: 28.4 x 17.3 x 11.8" / 72 x 44 x 30 cm "Semioptics for Spinoza" is the third
  • ... sweat using specially designed mobile phones. As opposed to application-based systems in...
  • ... to market in 1971 by Silicon Valley pioneer Intel Corporation, which led to life as we...
  • Beyond Manzanar is an interactive 3D virtual reality environment, a metaphorical landscape that explores political scapegoating of ethnic populations in times of crisis. The historic experiences of Japanese Americans in World War II and the more
  • ... who have been censored - not just the ones depicted, but others as well.
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple
  • The "Reign of Gold" augmented reality artwork surrounds you and your favorite object of protest in a rain of $50 US gold eagle coins. Part of AR Occupy Wall Street, organized by Mark Skwarek.
  • An image is repeatedly sliced, reduced to an abstraction which then re-assembles itself into a different image. The animation cycles through approximately six different images. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Yun Teng assisted with the
  • Retelling - video
    Fragments of the image "At the Bar" are continuously re-ordered each time resulting in a new composition. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Angus Forbes contributed the visualization software.