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  • Still ALife is an interactive monitor reacting to the presence and the distance of the observer to produce continuously changing three dimensional abstract and organic growing forms. © 2005, Christa SOMMERER & Laurent MIGNONNEAU
  • Underscan - video
    ...Under Scan is an interactive video art installation for public space. In the work,...
  • ...Merging art with technology, conceptual artists George Legrady and Angus Forbes...
  • ... in the work of Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. As you...
  • The YOUbiläums Browser ( The history of the ZKM between 1997 and 2007 becomes a space pervading interface: by means of the Linear Navigator designed by Jeffrey Shaw in 1999, the visitors are able to call up video documentation on
  • Interview
  • Jeffrey Shaw. Agnes Hegedues and Bernd Lintermann, 1996
  • Alpha Blend - video
    ... used in Lozano-Hemmer's public art installation "Body Movies". Half...
  • Jeffrey Shaw. Agnes Hegedues and Bernd Lintermann, 1996
  • Jeffrey Shaw, Bernd Lintermann. 2004