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  • ... as flexible as a musical instrument, consisting of an image and a sonic component. Observation of the system's behavior...
  • ... emotions rise and mutate when in contact with the real winds. Images from ‘Emotion Winds’ series, an on-screen precursor to Emotion in...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... as flexible as a musical instrument, consisting of an image and a sonic component. Observation of the system's behavior...
  • ... is enhanced by what is probably the first use of special image synthesis in a 3D environment, which normally appears...
  • ... derive from a common root.. Rhandom Rhetoric 3D environment, image courtecy I. Melanitis, 2020 CONTEXTUAL RESEARCH LOGOMECHANICS...
  • ... the reactions of women and men when looking at the same erotic images. Tracking the eye movements of study participants "the big...
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to integrate themselves into...
  • ... can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images. Through the "Life SpaciesII" web page, people all over the...
  • ... a clear plexi-glass replica of this cylindrical enclosure, and images are projected onto a large curved screen that is set into the...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... transparent membrane and an inner white surface. The projected imagery first impinged lightly on the tightly inflated outer envelope...