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  • Bio-Biblion is the library of life. There are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide image appears and disappears on the wall. Just like memories which come and go. And one bowl with blood moving in the middle of
  • CAGEBIM is an installation where the visitor interacts. The visitor enters in the room and can read a John Cage's affirmation: " I am always interested in listening to. I am always less interested on the fixed relation between the parts. I am
  • The installation proposes some poetic moments inside body’ landscapes using images of a scrutinezed body by technological medical devices. An internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are
  • The exhibition TRANS-E (trans, transit, trance!) consists of four installations shown simultaneously: Bio-Biblion, A-fetus, In-fluxus and The Supper. TRANS-E creates a series of experiences for the visitor involving the entire body.BIO-BIBLION is
  • The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The space of Paula Verengia's Gallery had been drawned with slides and video projections on the back of the room. An Italian Dancing Company named
  • In my Art Electronic exhibition, ELECTROURBS, 1979, at N.O. Space, In Porto Alegre and after in 1982, at Funarte, Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to amplify the heart beats for medical diagnostics, and creatively I intended
  • The NTAV UCS PC CAVE is a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) immersive environment supported by commodity based clusters of low cost PCs that can be or not connected to the internet. These reconfigurable immersive cube with
  • As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because of the gravity rules), is the work of Seiko Mikami, “gravicells - gravity and resistance” (2004),
  • ENERGY PASSAGES 2004 Energy Passages transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. The daily newspaper becomes a poetic audio-visual field of keywords flowing through urban space. The installation is designed to make visitors think about how
  • Tangible Biofeedback Communication Device Users at the Ars Electronica are provided with specially equipped "Mobile Feelings" phone devices that resemble organic or bodily shapes. These devices host miniature bio-sensors and actuators that capture