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  • ... and in the Schauspielhaus in Vienna. The videotapes and the...
  • Legible City - video
    The Legible City was first presented in 1988 as wire-frame graphics that were interactively operated by a joystick. This constituted a prototype for later implementations of this work using a bicycle as the viewer interface and more advanced
  • ... theorists and artists, such as Jeffrey Shaw, Frieder Nake, Mark... The idea of going back to a unique original image after having...
  • Inflatable tubing burst through a wall of brick-printed plastic that covered the shop window. This tubing was then taken into the street and used to signal the boundaries of controversial urban renewal planning in this area.
  • A computer-programmed lighting installation articulated the neo-classical features of the Felix Meritis building. Transparent acoustic panels allowed the public to listen to music emanating from the walls of the building.
  • Dragon - video
    An air-inflated dragon was comissioned for William Klein's film Mr. Freedom. This creature was recycled in a number of urban events where people simply carried it through the streets.
  • Interview
  • ... for the LED facade of UNIQA headquarter in Vienna‘s city... facade of UNIQA headquarter in Vienna‘s city center. The light...
  • ... web site to another. - Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... Linear Navigator designed by Jeffrey Shaw in 1999, the visitors are...