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  • ... designed to envision specially curated time-based artworks amidst Hong Kong’s public...
  • ... art than photographic realism, used the time-honored artistic relationship between form...
  • ... follows the navigator's head in real time. A pair of data gloves or a stylus pen can be...
  • ... at the various exhibition sites was each time addapted to the site architecture. In some...
  • ... relation can be sonorous or at the same time visual and sonorous. Since many years,...
  • ... of a musical instrument, people must take time to experiment it. Collectively, they must pay...
  • ... and ransacked. As such it traces over time an autobiographical sketch of my comings and...
  • ... on three floors in their development over time. The interview took place against the...
  • ... like the outer room while at the same time possessing unique characteristics. The first...
  • ... plynutí. The architecture of the flow of time. Architektúra toku _asu. The architecture of...