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  • CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. In the world of Continuum people live and die in circumstances, where civilization is only a gauze misting the sight in the reality of violence. In a continuous process - continuum -
  • For more than 10 years, Matt Mullican has been continuously developing a sign system which is, on the one hand, a product of his imagination, and on the other, taken directly from everyday life. Signs as they can be found in airports, train
  • Perceptual Arena is a realtime virtual environment. In the default state completely empty, it creates an audio visual space texture as a coding of the user interaction. The interaction is simply to be in the space, to perceive it, to move around and
  • In this installation images are projected onto a large screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any
  • The Trace - video
    "The Trace" is a telepresence installation that invites two participants in remote sites to share the same telematic space. The piece consists of vectors, sounds and graphics that respond to the movement of the participants. Two interactive stations
  • Five into one est l'une des premières oeuvres en « réalité virtuelle ». Le principe en est de construire une image tridimensionnelle globale, virtuelle, c'est-à-dire exclusivement calculée et mise en mémoire dans un ordinateur.
  • The Tunnels: The Paris-New Delhi TunnelArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • TransVersum is a dance video directed by Marikki Hakola. The video is based on the original choreography by Ismo-Pekka Heikinheimo called "Come Quickly for I´m Seeing Stars". The theme of TransVersum is seeking of the expressions of identity and
  • Inspired by Pier-Paolo Passolini's 1969 film Theorema and by a dream Courchesne's daughter had when she was 10 years old. In the installation, visitors are planted somewhere in the Japanese countryside. From there they will try to make a
  • Milena - DistanzArtist: Marikki HakolaComment: