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  • HAZE Express - video
    ... linked to interaction will always provide new and unique image elements that become part of the semi-realistic and semi-virtual trip through data landscapes. Interaction/Genetic Selection : Sitting in one of the HAZE Express ?s comfortable chairs...
  • ... motion to search and to eradicate my physical body leaving only my avatar soul to meander aimlessly in the networks of the virtual forever.
  • Residues - video
    ... in a horizontal/vertical tension. The electronic screens are reflected on the oil as a mirror that gives the images another virtual life. The material in natura: oil, water and residues can offer dialogues between the ephemeral images, photographies and may...
  • ANTopolis - video
    ... public space © 2020, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Summary: In the interactive media façade project "ANTopolis" virtual ants invade the city. They look for human activities, crawl towards any man-made shape, follow humans, vehicles and any moving...
  • ... screen monitors. On the left most monitor, a computer generated 3-D model of the terminal passage runs inside the online virtual world Second Life. The 3-D model appears to have the same shape as the actual space in which the real sculpture is housed...
  • ... clouds of the world’s emotions rise from the cities, forming a spiral nebula around the earth. We move our hands around a virtual globe, mixing multiple streams of real-time emotional data translated into waves of sound. As we move towards each city- source...
  • ... emotional responses within a framework of binary outcomes. This is key for a real-time feedback – a biofeedback – between the virtual generative processes and the brain’s associated response. The calibrated communication between machine and human enables the...
  • ... by Fleischmann and Strauss. Notable achievements include "deine" (2006) a narrative game for mobile phones, "Virtual Book: Digital Transformations" (2005) with search and retrieval functions for interactive reading watching videos and...
  • ... a fake festival in Dakar, Senegal. To appear professional, they adopt different identities. To unveil their practice, three virtual characters including their online identities were created to scam the scammers. Investigate their stories in an installation...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... is that between the installation space and the visitors. During the performance, visitors can walk freely around the virtual forest. There is a video observing the installation space and human presence influences the video projections; these...