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  • ... and interactive internet-based art forms. The multi-year project involved the...
  • Geode - video
    ... from a distance to approach the glowing formation in an open landscape. It has been a very...
  • Time: color - video
    ... The conversion between these two forms of time representation is based on an...
  • ... a sequence of art experiments in diverse forms i.e audio-visual piano concerts,...
  • ... venue’s unique location and the vertical format, and we hope it will bring about interesting...
  • ... human affects with stock market data, forming part of the artist’s running critique on...
  • ... from the interaction as dynamic animated forms on the Hypercube and a full database of the...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... moment, with image, movement and music forming living signs in space. There are three...
  • ... organize themselves into collonies and formations as long as the participant accepts a...
  • ... a landscape of abstract artificial life forms that they created through their...