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  • Jeffrey Shaw. Agnes Hegedues and Bernd Lintermann, 1996
  • Jackpot is an Internet slot machine that downloads three randomly selected web sites and displays them in the browser's window along with their top level domain names. You win by matching any of the top level domains. The winner can submit a URL of
  • Ovid - video
    Video installation Series 'Bags' A text from the sixth book of Metamorphoses runs from the foreground to the background on a three-dimensional "screen" consisting of 39 shopping bags. The tale of the weaving contest between Pallas Athena and
  • Life Spacies - video
    "Life Spacies" is an interaction and communication space, where remotely located visitors can interact with each other through evolutionary forms and images. "Life Spacies" enables visitors to integrate themselves into a 3 dimensional complex
  • The Tables Turned is preceded by Telematic Dreaming from 1992 and Telematic Vision from 1993. This installation is a continuation of the telematic theme placed within another social context. Dreaming used the bed, Vision used the sofa and The Tables
  • MURMURING FIELDS – WALK-IN SOUND SPACE 1997–1999 As part of the EU funded eRENA Project (Electronic Arenas for Art, Culture Entertainment), Fleischmann und Strauss and the MARS lab created Murmuring Fields (1997-99), a sequel to Home of the Brain,
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • The Panoramic Navigator is a uniquely new interactive multimedia information terminal that embodies patented augmented reality technologies developed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Panoramic Navigator allows the
  • World Skin is an interactive artwork presented for the first time at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). It won the Golden Nica Award in the Interactive Art category in 1998. Armed with cameras, we are making our way through a three-dimensional
  • The Multi Mega Book is an "uptodate" electronic book sculpture ... a magical and stimulating journey through some of the most intense moments of human experience in media, technology, science, architecture and culture. The project is available