Archive Search

  • ... of approximately 1080 possible forms. In the real space users...
  • ... of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital...
  • ... organic resources that can be formed into papers. I've researched...
  • ... for personal and classified information about myself. Google, Face...
  • Brainwash - video
    ... world is to a certain extent formed by new technologies. These new...
  • Turnstile II creates a virtual gateway where an endless realm of content is generated by the live culling of network objects from HTML pages, live chat and email archives. Through a familiar interface of a typewriter printing characters onto the
  • ... data-mined video renderings of formerly wild and cultural spaces...
  • ... the visual flow of the information. In traditional browsers...
  • ... and ever changing stream of information which could be delivered...
  • ... project aimed to provide a platform for joint activities between the...