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  • ... Edad digital” and inserted the fantastic creatures of the Argentine writer as synthetic objects, modeled in 3D, that is, in Virtual Reality (VR) that expands into Reality Augmented (AR) technologies that allow pasting images in scenes and in this case, the...
  • ... The installation allows the viewer to rotate a projected image within a fully surrounding 9m diameter projection screen. A virtual pscyho-geographic reconstruction of the Melbourne urban landscape presents the fifteen panoramic recordings within a series...
  • ... with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive computer art and virtual sets in film with her 1997 feature Conceiving Ada (SFIFF 1997), she received the Outstanding Achievement in Drama Award from...
  • ... with local award-winning filmmaker and artist Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive computer art and virtual sets in film with her 1997 feature Conceiving Ada (SFIFF 1997), she received the Outstanding Achievement in Drama Award from...
  • ... they are connected together so that the rows of various fruits are coherently joined. An effusive and clamorous shower of virtual coins then rewards the viewers. (A. Hegedüs) Winner of the PRIZMA-Prize for Computer Art, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung...
  • ... Embodying techniques developed for flight simulation, this work gave the operator the ability to interactively move his virtual point of view 360 degrees around the stage, 90 degrees up and down from ground level to aerial view, and forwards and...
  • ... are based on similar modern notions of networks, information packaging, and standardization. Additionally, we can reflect on virtual networks, as the software with which this projection was realized (TouchDesigner) manipulates and visualizes data by creating...
  • ... act. Sermon's declared aim was to expand the user's sense of touch; obviously, it was not possible to touch the other virtual bedmate, but one experienced the suggestion of touching through rapid and vigorous or tender and reflective movements. Many...
  • ... the two-dimensional picture of the real exhibitional space and point once again to the complexity of vision: The image is a virtual sculpture, which is only created through the movement of its viewer and varies its shape reflecting the individual’s action...
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... can examine this golden calf from above and below and all sides. Thus the monitor functions like a window that reveals a virtual body apparently located physically in the real space. The golden calf has a shiny mirror-like surface in which the viewer...