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  • ...Riding the Net presents a novel approach to browsing the Internet in... amount of images available for each keyword, users see...
  • ... installation explores the potential of the world-wide... by the currently available image browsers. In "The...
  • ... To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the first... terrarium in our laboratory in Los Angeles. All...
  • Ballet Mori - video
    ...To commemorate the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, Ballet Mori engaged...
  • Quarxs - video
    ...Quarxs was one of the earliest computer animated series (3D Computer...
  • ...CONTINUUM is a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. In...
  • ... sign system which is, on the one hand, a product of his...
  • ... virtual environment. In the default state completely...
  • ... screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition...
  • The Trace - video
    ... in remote sites to share the same telematic space. The...