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  • ... and PVC <span class="hit">The</span>atre, Novi Sad)
  • Klanica 5 - video
    ...ction with Amsterdam Cyber <span class="hit">The</span>atre and Academica,...
  • ... field of wind. <span class="hit">The</span> inst<span class="hit">all</span>ation... <span class="hit">the</span> body that <span class="hit">all</span>egedly produced it....
  • ... papers. I've re<span class="hit">search</span>ed... s of artworks contemplates <span class="hit">the</span> screen and its... natur<span class="hit">all</span>y-occurring... and have <span class="hit">select</span>ed fea<span class="hit">the</span>rs,...
  • ...his interview was made for <span class="hit">the</span> exhibit Not <span class="hit">The</span>re... Kasa G<span class="hit">all</span>ery, as part of... show presented <span class="hit">select</span>ed augmented...
  • Data Murmur - video
    ... twice. First on <span class="hit">the</span> left of <span class="hit">the</span> split... its distance <span class="hit">all</span>owing <span class="hit">the</span> bard to...
  • ...In <span class="hit">the</span> Minds I is a one-on-one performative art... <span class="hit">the</span>y especi<span class="hit">all</span>y liked or were...
  • ... and displays <span class="hit">the</span>m in <span class="hit">the</span> browser's... three randomly <span class="hit">select</span>ed web sites and...
  • ... is generated by <span class="hit">the</span> live culling of... by two pre <span class="hit">select</span>ed keywords:...
  • Latent State - video
    ... part of my MFA <span class="hit">the</span>sis at <span class="hit">the</span> Design... space shuttle Ch<span class="hit">all</span>enger occurred in...