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  • ... component in the production process through the integration of AI.... a semiotic relationship between name and object? Brain cloud is a tool...
  • ... from me? Blow Up’s simultaneous processes of recording, translation and...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... shapes such as a cube. This process generates an infinite variety...
  • ...Augmented Fish Reality is an in process interactive installation of rolling...
  • Architext - video
    ... from inside out. A 20m high column on the Europaweg at one of main... of 9 cylindrical LED alphanameric units with rotating texts that...
  • ... of architectural typologies and processes. In particular the work...
  • ... and variations to a data-processing program. In return, a hidden...
  • ... in a continuous circulating process of splitting into thirty-two...
  • ... even completely new image. The process resembles Mendel's law of... to have something of a DNA, namely the description of the RGB color...
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... played during the revolutionary processes. Al Tawil’s film installation...