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  • ... Mom is still pensive, Dad still watches TV, and the daugther is curious. Displacements 2005 was shot and projected in digital video rather than 16mm film, which, it turns out, was much more challenging.
  • ... SPARKS : STUDENT CONTEST 2001 - 2008 The "Digital Sparks Matrix" is an interface for browsing all of the projects submitted to the " Digital Sparks" student competitions between 2001 and 2008 funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education BMBF. The web...
  • ...Database of Provincial Life uses digital computers to accomplish a task which was impossible to achieve using any previous representational medium: documenting EVERYTHING which happen to EVERYBODY who lived in the 20th century. By focusing on the typical rather than...
  • ... Random... Pushing images. Documentary, 3D tangential and irrelevant from documentalistic images. Industrial age theory meets digital age technology” Der Arbeiter ist das Instrumentum vocale und unterscheidet sich dadurch vom Tier, dem Instrumentum...
  • ...efers to Vilém Flusser´s ‚Technobildern‘, a philosophy of photography as a new form of communication. Mixing live performance and digital animation, Banz & Bowinkel seek to define the perceptual parameters which depend on the union of the real and virtual. ‚Daemons‘ is...
  • ...Cubey 1.0 (2008, interactive digital art installation) Cubey 1.0 is an interactive digital art installation that explores audio-visual and spatial relationships. With its embedded sensors, Cubey 1.0 enables users to compose dynamic audio-visual compositions in real...
  • Crave - video
    ...I participated in the design and implementation of the live digital projections in the theater play “Crave”, using the software Moldeo. The first season of the play was at El Lavapiés Theater, Buenos Aires, between May 20 and December 9, 2006, and was followed by...
  • ... camera pointed at this situation was connected to a computer in the second room. Here a large video- projection showed a digitally processed version of the performance. The image processing was characterized by its very slow frame-rate and the reduction...
  • ... collage, now viewers navigate between condensed stations of the storyline using wireless data goggles (HoloLens). Digital holographic miniatures and scenarios unfold, intertwining with the real surroundings. In contrast to the atmosphere of the...
  • ... penetrates our world. It is a sequence of art experiments in diverse forms i.e audio-visual piano concerts, installations, digital paintings, Digital sculptures and soundtrack releases – that attempt to substantiate and visualise sonic data, Using OSC/MIDI...