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  • MovieMovie - video
    ... and balcony. Three performers (Jeffrey Shaw, Theo Botschuyver, and Sean...
  • ... happening at The Ohio State University. Premised on the idea of...
  • In this installation images are projected onto a large screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any
  • The Neon Wave Sculpture is an urban light sculpture that is interactively controlled by varying wind speeds. Mounted on the exterior wall of an apartment building, it is constituted by 48 sine-curved neon tubes. The light level in each tube can be
  • ... web site to another. - Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... and archived through the Mobile Unit (2001). The portable webcast...
  • ... that took place at the Universidad International de Andalucia,...
  • ... and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there...
  • ... is composed by 4 computing units with graphics input/output...
  • ... along the Parkway, created a unique dynamic light formation in the...