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  • "MIC Exploration Space" shall be used for the communication between participants through images and extended integration of real-time interaction in virtual space. The place functions as a new form of integration space, where real-time
  • The performance occurs inside a capsule. We may control the avatar of the performer through a remote computer. The distance between the audience and the performer is set to 7 metres. We may type words, wishes or commands from our keyboard directly
  • Moving Movie - video
    Moving Movie #1 (1977) was an inexpensive modest study made at MIT. I was obsessed with why movie cameras move and movie projectors don’t, and filmed the Boston landscape with a Super8 movie camera mounted on a slowly rotating turntable. The film is
  • Panoramic StudyArtist: Michael NaimarkComment:
  • Soft Cinema - video
    Initiated by Lev Manovich in 2002, Soft Cinema project mines the new creative possibilities at the intersection of cinema, software culture, and architecture. Its manifestations include computer-driven installations and films, architectural designs,
  • The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of
  • Telepresent SurveillanceArtist: Joel SlaytonComment:
  • Inversion (2001) is a new dance/installation, a collaboration with the Dancer/Choreographer Regina van Berkel that explores the topic of Nanotechnology through a poetic text, a musical score, the A Hybrid Invention Generator like system functioning
  • Exchange Fields (2000), commissioned by the Vision Ruhr Exhibition in Dortmund Germany, incorporates the recorded dance and choreography of Regina van Berkel. The programmer Gideon May also became involved in this project. The central question dealt
  • Red Dice / Des Chiffré (2000) was commissioned by the Canadian National Gallery and is now in their permanent collection. Seaman again worked with Chris Ziegler on the programming of the work. The work presents a text by the Poet Stéphane Mallarmé -