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  • An expanded and redesigned version of the PFOM installation, initially produced for the Centre Pompidou, Paris, in 2001. The public contributes data about an object in their possession to a database that accumulates throughout the exhibition's
  • ... becomes an active participant, whose full sensorium of vision, hearing, feeling, … is... the installation. The observer becomes an active participant, whose full sensorium of...
  • ... Media MFA and MA students to work full scale with a high level of visibility. Full...
  • ... and data in space as a low resolution full depth information cloud in light and motion....
  • Trans Plant - video
    ... thus will create a biotope, that is full of different plant species. The size,... "Trans Plant" is a interactive computer installation, developed by Sommerer & Mignonneau for the Tokyo...
  • ... the spectators and the performers. The active spectators become performers themselves....
  • ... the spectators and the performers. The active spectators become performers themselves....
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... the self-image in virtual water. The active experience of the recipient becomes part of...
  • ... map of the universe. To cycle through the full sequence of the 36064 observations takes...
  • ... analyzed by computers that controlled a full rig of rock-and-roll concert lighting.... from the human voice, generating an interactive light performance. Actress Isabella...