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  • ... might move very fast whereas others might be slower. Creatures also look for food and aim to eat text characters that can be interactively released by the visitors: creatures always eat the same characters as contained in their genetic code. For example...
  • ...The Neon Wave Sculpture is an urban light sculpture that is interactively controlled by varying wind speeds. Mounted on the exterior wall of an apartment building, it is constituted by 48 sine-curved neon tubes. The light level in each tube can be electronically...
  • ... specially made joysticks. Embodying techniques developed for flight simulation, this work gave the operator the ability to interactively move his virtual point of view 360 degrees around the stage, 90 degrees up and down from ground level to aerial view,...
  • ... the museum space - this image is overlaid on his view of the real environment. By pushing the handles, the spectator can interactively control the rotation of the column and the movement of this virtual image. Sound and image are interactively accessed...
  • ... the spectator moves her head during this process then radially patterned distortions are created. In this way the spectators interactively play with fleeting concentric deformations of their own reflection.
  • Legible City - video
    ...The Legible City was first presented in 1988 as wire-frame graphics that were interactively operated by a joystick. This constituted a prototype for later implementations of this work using a bicycle as the viewer interface and more advanced computer visualisation...
  • ... rotating platform is furnished with a large video projection monitor, a computer, and a chair from which the viewer interactively controls his journey through The Virtual Museum. Forwards and backwards movement of the chair causes corresponding...
  • ... keyboard on their screen. Using a multi-axis 3D mouse, the position, size and shape of each of these letters could be interactively manipulated over a rectangular plane that was divided like a game board into a grid of 64 squares. A map on surface of...
  • Be Now Here - video
    ... cameras (for 3D, one for each eye) mounted on a rotating tripod. The installation consists of an input pedestal for interactively choosing place and time, a stereoscopic projection screen, four-channel audio, and a 16-foot rotating floor on which...
  • ... the floor of the exhibition space. The spectators stand on a surrounding balcony where a joystick enables any one of them to interactively operate the work by panning in any lateral direction over the surface of its images and zooming in or out of a chosen...