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  • ... zur Verfügung zu stellen, welche miteinander kommunizieren und... Das stadtplanerische Interesse ist es, den urbanen Raum zu beleben und...
  • ... The archive of objects consists of objects that museum visitors...
  • ... drugs to see yourself from a distance. The system is an extension...
  • Hierosgamos -
    Length: 1min. 30sec. Two repetitive movements are conjugated on either side of the screen: a young naked girl blows up a red heart shaped balloon, and an animated sequence from Muybridge shows two boys jumping over each other. (A. Hegedüs)
  • Ise D'oil -
    Length: 4min. 30sec. An imaginary conversation between two gyroscopes - their memories and their capacities for union. The idea is expressed by conjugating two different camera views of the same gyroscope around a central axis on the screen.
  • Image To Paul Klee -
    Length: 4min. 30sec. Electronic frequencies determine certain computer generated patterns and at the same time the movement of sand particles. The videographic inteference of these two images creates a poetic aspect akin to certain works of Paul
  • Bubble Order -
    Length: 5min. 30sec. A stream of water recorded from two different camera angles becomes a cross on the screen. The movement of texts and digital wipe patterns in horizontal/vertical axis are coupled with the harmonic frequencies of a computer
  • Length: 6min. 30sec. Two rectangles turn like prayer wheels on either side of a vertical videographic axis. They show the resonances of a thin layer of sand as it is effected by the audio frequencies of Tibetan music - a conjunction of science and
  • Urban Simulation -
    ...rp ("Future of Urban Planning") project exists as a first step toward...
  • Soundcities -
    ... graz, halifax nova scotia , istanbul, lisboa, ljubiana, london, los...