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  • Body Language -
    Body Language represents the second generation of interactive sound installations Rokeby created. The installation used three hand-built low-resolution (8x8 pixels) video cameras (see image above) to observe a 5 metre by 5 metre space. The images
  • Liquid Language -
    It is an experiement in fluid text. Text appears on the screen, dissolves and transforms continuously, resulting in a representation of a wandering stream of consciousness. The structure of the work revolves around the three themes : forgetting,
  • Visual Poems and Language ArtArtist: Eduardo KacComment:
  • inside geometry double languageArtist: Chiara PassaComment:
  • I have created a a language to delete, to compact mental texts and graphics, to eliminate unwanted thoughts and make them personal hieroglyphics. 210 graphemes that don´t carry meaning by themselves. One grapheme is not an "A" or a "B" but anything
  • inter / face -
    In "inter / face" Rokeby continues his exploration of the relationship between the abstract world of language and the physical world of body. The work uses the expressions on the viewer's face as an interface to a responsive virtual world built
  • Dadameter -
    Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the Dadameter aims at measuring our distance to Dada. It was inspired by the work of the french writer Raymond Roussel. The project is a satire about the recent transmutation of language into a
  • "Vectorial Elevation" was an interactive art project which allowed thousands of people from 89 countries to control 18 robotic searchlights with 126,000 watts of power and link Cyberspace with Mexico’s most emblematic urban landscape. Mexico City’s
  • Fugitive -
    Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user moves through an impressionistic visual experience based in a digital video database. The question of
  • "Ten Thousand Cents" is a digital artwork that creates a representation of a $100 bill. Using a custom drawing tool, thousands of individuals working in isolation from one another painted a tiny part of the bill without knowledge of the overall